Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the World. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead
Meet the Team
The committee of the Green Point Ratepayers’ & Residents’ Association (GPRRA) comprises a group of dedicated volunteers, many of whom are longterm residents with a wealth of knowledge of Green Point and its history. Their overall objective is to raise consciousness of the vibrant community living in a verdant valley between the Atlantic Ocean, a magnificent Stadium and the Athletic Stadium as well as all the other sports clubs; the award-winning Green Point Park; the Common and iconic Signal Hill.



Tapia and Sabei with handlers GPCID Officers Dazuka and Jokazi
Membership to the GPRRA is open to all Green Point residents over the age of 18.
We encourage all to join to make a positive contribution to our community.
Your support is essential to keep on fighting the good fight.
Please also encourage neighbours to sign up. All members to provide their addresses and details to the Secretary to keep in a confidential register.
Membership is R250 per annum per household/ office/ business.
Payment to:
First National Bank | Cheque acct no: 62143274059 | Branch: 560|250655
(Please ensure name appears on EFT.)

Launch on 1 July 2023 of GPCID:
Businesses and residents along Somerset and Main roads (from Boundary to Varneys roads) continue to celebrate the launch on 1 July of the establishment of the GPCID. Visible policing by the public safety teams and officers with radios patrolling 24x7 in vehicles and on foot have had a very positive impact. GPCID also benefits from partnerships with Law Enforcement, Metro, SAPS, Traffic and private security companies and observation via CCTV and Licence Plate Recognition (LPR). It has powers to arrest via their law enforcement program, issue fines and deal with bylaw infringements. In addition, levies ensure management of litter, noise, street lights and upgrading of public areas. All these factors are rapidly transforming Somerset and Main into a safe and vibrant area to live and play.